Employment Support

1.Employment Support

Employment Support

Employment has the potential of providing one with a personal and social identity as well as becoming a means of accessing several essential and non-essential goods, services, and activities. It provides structure in daily life and helps develop oneself confidence. Our dedicated team works together with businesses and various organisations to match job seekers with employers who need them.

At Patience Community Services, we understand how big a role employment plays on a person’s physical and mental well-living. Bearing this in mind, we provide the following pertinent services:

  • Work-based Skills development
    Patience Community Services provides all job seekers the knowledge and tools they will require to get a job, learn/ update skills and access all the support possible to keep a job. Our services are tailored to fit individual needs and help find meaningful and fulfilling employment.

    At the end of the day, we want everyone to feel a sense of accomplishment and joy at the workplace. We offer ongoing assistance to while people settle into their new roles. We are with you every step as you embark on this journey towards a better future. We will assess your current needs and future goals and connect with further assistance when required.
  • CV, resume and interview tutoring
    Your CV and resume are a critical piece of personal marketing that makes you stand out in the eyes of an employer. It is your first opportunity to impress your potential employers with your skills, qualifications, and experience. At Patience Community Services, we assist you to create a CV and resume that highlights your skills and experience that make you an ideal candidate for a job. Your assigned job coach will help prepare a winning resume that is certain to land an interview.

    Now, facing a job interview is sure to give you shaky knees but have no fear, we are with you every step of the way. We help you approach your interview with confidence. Our experienced staff and volunteers will tutor you to face a job interview. We train you to focus on all the skills you require to conduct interviews and answer effective questions.
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